Tomorrow night is our first anniversary and we are going to attempt to eat at restaurant number 5... but which one? We are all of a quandary. We've booked 5 Pollen Street, but I've since realised that I had a workie lunch there about six months ago... which was very nice, but there's not much point going again. And it's well expensive too. So all in all, it doesn't sit too good.

But I've just found FIVE 25. Yeah, its a bit of a cheat with the name, but these are desperate times. It's also a restaurant in a hotel (hmm...), the Harrington Hall in South Ken, which is close to home (yay!). Apparently they make 'bold modern European food', which sounds good, but I can't find a menu anywhere.
Otherwise, there's Five Hot Chillies - an Indian! In Sudbury (Middlesex)! With a good write up on Time Out. I'm sold. But now Kat's saying she doesn't want to eat Indian on our anniversary, and maybe we should go to a Peruvian restaurant instead... sigh.
Kat: Pisco sour!